How to Order Equipment at Biofilms for Productions Billing vs. Pick-up Contact in the Order

To facilitate and streamline the ordering process, we have the option to add a second contact, the billing contact, on the website. This divides part of the ordering process between two contacts. To add a billing contact, check the "I only pick up the equipment" box.

For the billing contact, it is sufficient to enter the correct email that we have in the system. In this case, you do not need to fill in anything else except for the company ID (IČO) and email, and the system will load the company name, address, and phone number from our database (the field is mandatory, so you must either mark it or fill it with 00000).

If we do not have the given email in the system, a new billing contact will be created with the values entered in the order.



  • we call this contact if something goes wrong and handle it technically
  • this contact receives SMS about readiness
  • this contact receives SMS about unreturned accessories
  •  this contact sees the payment and invoice status of the specific order
  •  this contact is physically responsible for the order at Biofilms
  •  this contact does not automatically receive invoices (unless agreed otherwise)
  • this contact has access to online order editing within the account associated with the given email


  • this contact receives the invoice
  • this contact receives invoice reminders via email/SMS
  • this contact takes over communication if the pick-up contact does not respond
  • if there is only one contact within the company, this contact has an overview of all invoices

If you need to add another contact (copy) of invoices to your accountant or billing email, you can do so by sending an email request to  . This email then receives all copies of emails for the given company except for the contact in the order.

Additional Contacts

We would also appreciate it if you write in the note to the order all the technical contacts related to the order. For example, the contact for the gaffer, 1AC, cameraman, and others if they are involved in the order. This allows us to handle technical matters related to the order more efficiently and without unnecessary intermediaries.