Sada objektivů Hasselblad V-series WPO HS (21, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 105mm) by Whitepointoptics

Sada objektivů Hasselblad V-series WPO HS (21, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 105mm) by Whitepointoptics

Whitepoint HS series are pioneering professional lenses that use the Hasselblad V-series medium format glasses by Whitepointlenses at Whitepointoptics. The set offers a sharp yet pleasingly balanced and smooth look that is only possible from using handmade glass. It was these legendary Hasselblad glasses that were used by the Apollo mission, resulting in space photography that has changed the way we see the world and ourselves.

Whitepoint Optics is developed by the Whitepoint Production Company based in Helsinki.

WPO HS Lens Series by Whitepointoptics

  • WPO HS series image circle is 48mm.
  • HS lenses are based on a same Hasselblad V-series glass as TS70.
  • Speed and focal length conversions are made with WPO 0.7x Speed Converter.
19 000 Kč
Sleva -20 %
15 200 Kčbez DPH / natáčecí den
18 392 Kč včetně DPH
  • Obvyklý stav: 1 ks
  • Vyzvednutí techniky noc předem gratis
  • Možnost připojištění v rámci ceny a odvozu na plac

Pronájem obsahuje

  • Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 21mm T2.5 1 × Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 21mm T2.5
  • Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 28mm T2.8 1 × Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 28mm T2.8
  • Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 42mm T2.5 1 × Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 42mm T2.5
  • Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 56mm T2.5 1 × Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 56mm T2.5
  • Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 70mm T2.5 1 × Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 70mm T2.5
  • Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 84mm T2.8 1 × Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 84mm T2.8
  • Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 105mm T2.8 1 × Whitepointoptics Hasselblad V WPO HS 105mm T2.8
  • clipon 136mm 1 × clipon 136mm
Specifikace a parametry

Whitepoint HS series are pioneering professional lenses that use the Hasselblad V-series medium format glasses by Whitepointlenses at Whitepointoptics. The set offers a sharp yet pleasingly balanced and smooth look that is only possible from using handmade glass. It was these legendary Hasselblad glasses that were used by the Apollo mission, resulting in space photography that has changed the way we see the world and ourselves.

Whitepoint Optics is developed by the Whitepoint Production Company based in Helsinki.

WPO HS Lens Series by Whitepointoptics

  • WPO HS series image circle is 48mm.
  • HS lenses are based on a same Hasselblad V-series glass as TS70.
  • Speed and focal length conversions are made with WPO 0.7x Speed Converter.
Bajonet (pokrytí)PL mount
Typ objektivuSferický, Cine
Rozsah pokrytíFullframe (Vistavision / Alexa LF) rozlis
Nejširší ohnisko v sadě21 mm
Nejdelší ohnisko v sadě105 mm
Maximální světelnost objektivů v sadě (T)2.5 T
Mount na kameřePL mount
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