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If you find a lower price from a competitor, simply add the link to the order note. After verifying availability and comparing the products, including all accessories, we will gladly match the price. At Biofilms, we emphasize exceptional customer service, reliability, and maximum flexibility. Our goal is to ensure that every customer project runs smoothly and without complications while we provide you with the best technical support and infrastructure.

With us, you can be confident that you will receive not only a fair price but also the highest standard of service and support you deserve.

Why do we offer a price guarantee?
We understand that some industry colleagues focus on lowering prices at any cost. At Biofilms, we are dedicated to providing top-notch customer service, professional conduct, and flexibility, which our clients have consistently appreciated over time.

What do you get with us?

  • The longest opening hours on the market
  • Branches in Prague and Brno
  • Individual discounts based on collaboration history
  • Premium services, such as night drop-off, assistance, transportation to and from the set, technical support, and more
  • The most advanced customer system, including online bookings, payments, and order management with team-sharing options
  • The most robust electronic system for inventory and equipment preparation, ensuring status control, tracking, history, and 100% functionality of all rented items